Environmental Statement

We strive to produce the highest-quality fruit and wines possible while respecting the environment and minimising our carbon footprint.

We believe that to get the best from the land, we must employ a world-class standard of sustainable practices.

Natural Capital

We are committed to sustainably managing our vineyards and improving the environmental quality of the estate. This involves enhancing biodiversity, nurturing healthy soils, and promoting ecosystems by expanding insectariums and planting native vegetation.

Currently, we primarily use organic fertilisers and aim to transition to using 100% organic fertilisers for the 2024-2025 growing season.


We installed solar panels in 2015, which currently generate about 30% of our energy needs. Edge Environment will model the potential to expand the existing solar panels by utilising unoccupied roof space.

The environmental impact of our energy needs will benefit from the decarbonisation of the South Australian grid.

Pest & Disease Control

We employ a sustainable approach to pest, disease, and weed management, which is considerate of biodiversity preservation and avoidance of environmental harm.

We do not use any pesticides on our estates. Herbicides are applied with respect to optimal application rate and timing. 

We are trialling and working towards no herbicide use. This is enhanced by their biodiverse approach to undervine and midrow management, use of undervine mower, as well as sheep at appropriate times during the growing season.  Hentley Farm are reporting all pest, disease and weed control products through Sustainable Winegrowing Australia Membership.

Emissions Management

We are working with Edge Environment to develop an emissions reduction strategy in alignment with the Science Based Targets initiatives.

In accordance with the Paris Agreement goals of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees, we will focus on reducing scope 1* and 2** emissions. Additionally, aiming to voluntarily lower scope 3*** emissions, as well as engage in carbon offsetting and insetting across all three scopes, with the ultimate goal of achieving carbon neutrality for scopes 1 and 2.

*Scope 1: emissions released to the atmosphere as a direct result from activity.
**Scope 2: emissions released to the atmosphere from the indirect consumption of an energy commodity.
***Scope 3: emissions generated by all activities upstream and downstream in the supply chain.


We will continue to execute vineyard and winery operations with respect to water use efficiency.

Soil moisture probes, mulch and straw are employed in the vineyard to improve water retention. Inert gas is used in preference to water in the winery where possible, and cleaning solutions are reused. Winery wastewater is aerated, settled and used for vineyard irrigation.

Waste Management

We employ a continuous improvement approach to waste management practices with respect to the waste management hierarchy (avoid, reduce, reuse, recycle and recover).

Investigation of environmentally friendly materials and packaging, including lighter glass, is being executed.

Grape marc is composted onsite. We are reporting their waste generation through Sustainable Winegrowing Australia Membership.